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My Pet Peeve

Nothing makes me want to rush off to the nail salon, get the longest ghetto ass nails put on (temporarily please) and CLAW SOME EYES OUT like someone saying "110%".

Yes Randy Jackson, you're the WORST culprit in the good ol' US of A coz you have a platform. Now you have influenced generations of young Americans (who won't read!!! so they don't know any better) to say the same damn thing!!!


Okay, let me school you.

% indicates out of 100 - thus perCENT. So the moment you say 110% you ain't sayin' NOTHING. It doesn't make any sense!!! That is 110/100 which is 1.1, so what are you saying? What does it mean? Why wouldn't you say ABSOLUTELY, like you sometimes do or I REALLY LIKE YOU. Leave the poor ol' % out of your mess!!!! 

That was for Ma Dawg (Isn't this 2011, isn't that kinda over?), the next is for y'all.

If you decide to use percentages in your conversation, remember you have ONE HUNDRED numbers to use. You can say, I agree with you 100% which means you have no objections or you could use a lower number. When you install  software on your computer it never says 110% completed. NEVER. Because 100% means complete, total. If you don't agree completely with no objections use a lower number. Pick one!!! You have 99 other numbers to choose from. Okay? It does NOT MAKE SENSE once you pass 100.

Phew. Class is 

100% complete ████████████████████████████

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