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Incorporating Fruit and Vegetables into Your Diet

If you have ever tried getting a child to finish eating their vegetables, you've come against a tradition upheld by children all over the World since time first began (I think). For some children the relationship with veggies and fruit continues to sour into adulthood. The responsibility of nurturing this relationship tends to fall squarely on the shoulders of parents.

There are some tips to creating a diet for you and your family that incorporates fruit and vegetables in an interesting and fun way. You'll have your children (and possibly your husband too) full of the goodness of vitamins and minerals, keeping them in optimal health.

  1. Always choose fruit and veggies with lots of color, this usually means it has more vitamins and minerals.
  2. When you prepare a dish use elements with many different colors. For example for a simple relish can comprise of red tomatoes, green onions, yellow tomatoes, shredded orange carrots and black olives.
  3. Don't make veggies the same way each time, experiment with recipes and see what comes out.
  4. No one likes mushy fruit or mushy veggies. Instead make sure whatever your serve (or buy) is firm and try to eat it as close to its natural state as possible.
  5. Create fruit popsicles by blending the fruit with milk and ice and freezing them in molds for a great treat after dinner.
  6. Try your hand at some fruit art and let your imagination take you where it will!


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