Dear Shay,
My parents always taught us to work hard and be productive members of society and as a result my older sisters and I have flourished in school and done well (we have no brothers). My older sisters seem to be really focussed and knew exactly what they wanted to do when they got to College by the time they were in Middle School. I'm now a sophomore in High School and I still do not know what I want to major in when I get to College. I'm okay with it, but my parents and my sisters are concerned about it and they voice their opinion whenever the topic comes up. What should I do? How do I figure out what to do for college?
Dear Still in High School,
It is very normal to not have a clear direction in your future academic aspirations. It is not a sign that you are lacking the ability to find something, what it means is that you are different from your sisters. You have a different way of coming to your own decisions. As long as you have not found something you are passionate about, you have every right to wait to make that decision. What you should ask yourself is, what interests you the most, what are you good at, etc. If you are still unable to reach an answer, you should visit your school's career counselor, there are so many careers that we don't know about until we become a part of the workforce. You can also look up different careers on google based on your interests and your abilities. As for your family showing concern regarding this issue, explain to them that you are trying to find your path, but it can't be forced. We all have a responsibility to ourselves first and then to others in our lives and society. Get yo act right and start volunteerin' or sumthin'!
Shay D
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