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Dear Shay,
I recently met a man who I have fallen in love with. Mr. B. There is only one problem, a big one, I think he is gay. We enjoy each others' company immensely and have even engaged in a few intimate encounters that did not result in sex. I cannot introduce him to my family because I know they would make fun of him and not tolerate his eccentricities. On Monday, my maternal uncle asked if I was single and I said yes, he proceeded to introduce me to a young gentleman, Mr. F, and we hit it off right away. I do not want to let go of Mr. B, but if there is no future with him I can't let Mr. F go. What should I do?
Ellie from NY.
Dear Ellie from NY,
Can you explain to me how you recently met someone and are already in love with them? Better yet, why are you labeling the man? If you think he is gay, ask him! Are you hoping he is gay so you can hook up with Mr. F? And how is it that you claim to love one man and quickly claim to be single when someone asks you if you are available to meet someone new? Just be real and admit that you can't tolerate his eccentricities and you make fun of him in your head....*SMDH, tryin' to pin it on yo family!* The only thing you seem to love is the idea that you can have many men and create non-existent turmoil in your life. You are just looking for the kind of man that wants to have sex on the first date and doesn't return your calls. Just cause a man shows some regard and restraint in your intimate relations, he gotta be gay???? Get yo act right and get real.
Shay D.
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