How many of you have had issues with a service (cellphone, television, electronic equipment) and thought about calling the help line then thought,
"I just wish I could talk to someone on this continent about this problem! No more Indians in call centers in India!"
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Be ye honest!
We've watched program after program about call center help being outsourced and the various ways in which American Companies exploit those markets by getting very cheap non-unionized labor, sometimes exploiting children! We've gasped boycotted the products for a while - till you trek through Wally World and realize you really really really want that-thing-that-you-totally-don't-need-and-will-never-need - EVER!
Remember Nike's debacle? Look at yo feet man! You are wearing shoes sown together by little innocent children trying to feed their ever growing families. Sure, we can all ignore it, especially when Nike joins an organization like this one.
When we hear about workers in India being exploited, we think... well, $100 goes further there than here so there is no reason they should earn more than anyone working in a call center here - comparatively speaking.
Well, well, well...
The tables have been turned on us. Let's see how we handle it!
IKEA, the company responsible for selling you bits and pieces of things so you can go home and make your own furniture has done something similar. You just might not imagine WHO is being exploited!
Me: YOU!
You: Who?
Me: You! (pointing now so you can understand)
You: I don't work at IKEA.
Me: OMG! You're missing the point...
You: But you said me
Me: No, I said yo... aaaaaaaaaah! Forget it!
AlterNet has released an article claiming that US Workers are being EXPLOITED! We're part of the larger World now, probably much closer to the developing countries we look down our noses to.
European employees of IKEA earn a minimum of $19 per hour, have a MANDATORY 5 week PAID vacation. Wanna know what American workers start at? Full time employees are paid $8 per hour with 12 vacation days and those subcontracted by employment agencies get even less.
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