Statistics have typically shown that prisons are overflowing with black men and women. Television shows have perpetuated this idea and we have all fallen victim to this media suggestion. The inevitable conclusion of studies that have produced those kinds of statistics, include "There are more black men in prison than college", "most black men are thugs" and a host of other unfair and untrue statements.
Other studies have uncovered the falsehoods in claims stemming from the statistics and have been argued on various blogs and social media.
No matter how one looks at the issue, the truth is that there are more black men in prison than any other racial group in North America.
Many of our young people get caught up in violent gangs, the sale of illegal narcotic drugs, prostitution and theft. This may be due to a lack of strong parenting, but I would like to argue that the frustration many of our young people face in finding a good job with sufficient compensation and their own race to catch the unattainable "American Dream" forces some into these activities.
What hope can we give these youth then? How can we turn a blind eye to their struggle to fit into a system that rejects them once they see the color of their skin? Is there something we can do or are we forever doomed to raise children in crisis?
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