"It Was All Good Just a Week Ago"
Welcome back! Did you enjoy this week's episode? You can tell the writers are finally getting into it a little bit more (Thank Goodness!). Let's catch up with the crew!
This episode started off with a montage of people finding out about Malik's arrest.
The show starts out with Tasha finding out about Malik's "encounter" with the law. She was showing the help how to clean the barbecue and I guess the help didn't appreciate it because that snicker was NOT appreciated. Grrrr. Quit your snickering and clean the damn barbecue!
Tasha storms off to Malik's house (all decked out with a Starbucks [insert rolling eyes]) and confronts him about what happened, with really nice solutions about what he should do.
What is painfully obvious is that Malik believes his boss has his back. Now, I don't know about you, but didn't that manager seem a little too coy? Like he knew something went down with his wife? Check this out!
Am I just being paranoid?
Anywhoo, he tells Malik he's gonna get him off like he got Shamu off which he repeats to Tasha. Well then, I guess it's all okay ... yeah...
Jason sees it as an opportunity to advance his career and leaves the evening's cutie to take care of the bill, even though he said he'd take care of it. Yay! Jason's back! (happy dance) He takes full advantage of the mess by reporting from a jail cell,
where he "flushes" Malik's career down the dirty crapper. Then he takes to the streets to interview former lovers and fans, including this young boy,
whose only job was to shake his head. What? They couldn't give a young black actor any words to say? No disappointment or irrational tears? Just shakin' his head? I wonder if it will end up on his acting resume.
Malik is watching the whole mess with this other dude guy (whose name I still do not know) who reminds him that any publicity is good publicity. Oh yeah Mr. Other Dude Guy?! When you're on TV chewin' on some chicken bones? Yeah, we're giving you the side eye just like Malik!
Derwin found out about Malik while he was glistening from the shower, I'm sure most of it was baby oil but whatever. He wants to go make sure his boy is okay but Mel talks him out of it. She's one to talk of crazy people wearing two differently colored gloves and a warm hat in a house with heating in San Diego!
She convinces him it is not in his best interests, but somehow he doesn't listen or else they had another conversation we were not privy to, because...
Tasha nabs him outside Malik's house lookin' around like there might be cameras following him around like they're following Kelly (Where the heck is Kelly?). In a state of complete schizophrenic breakdown Tasha switches wildly from manager to Malik's mom and back as she expresses thankfulness for Derwin's presence to support her son and distress at seeing him there. Finally settling in manager mode she chases him back to his sports car and sends him back home to Mel. Poor Tasha. She seems so anguished and can't help her baby.
Mrs. Boss shows up to warn Malik that his career might be over and he'd better get it together and go to rehab.
"I don't have a problem!"
[Zipping tape sound] WHAT?! Malik has a drinking problem but the sunbeams don't? We hadn't seen him do drugs or get too drunk to know what was going on, so what problem?
"Malik doesn't have a problem!" (me screaming at Mrs. Boss)
He storms off and just when you think it is over...
Awesome exit!
Malik decides to go on Jason's show to talk about the fact that he DOES NOT HAVE A PROBLEM, but it doesn't go so well. He walks off the set and storms off into the
Derwin and Melanie are at home experiencing the wonders of 3D technology (didn't that come out last year? They're sooooo 2000 & LATE). Derwin's hands all waving in front of his face and Mel joins in the hand waving. It's almost like half assed church praise. You know the kind of ish your invited friends do when it is time to praise the Lord by lifting your hands in the air.
Malik calls Derwin asking him to help a brother in need coz his squeaky clean image beside him will help clean up his. He and Melanie talk and Mel does a 180 degree turn from her previous opinion and encourages him to go.
"Sure Malik! I'll be there!"
Malik gathers the media for a press conference.
"I'm sorry y'all! I saw the error of my ways. With the help of my Momma
and my friends..."
Um, where the eff is Derwin? Does he ever listen to anything Mel says? Maybe we should examine that.
Yeah, he was home watching the press conference...
... with a suit and tie on. Did Tasha do her manager thing?
We all sighed with Malik.
Enjoy rehab! We're rooting for you!
Tune in next Wednesday for another exciting recap! Don't forget to leave your comments and let us know what you thought about the episode!
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