Studies on ecstasy had been done prior to the one mentioned in the article, but the results that were obtained were considered to be flawed because they were performed on people who belong to the "rave" culture (people who like to party). Rave-ers (is that correct? Someone help!) often go without sleep, combine the drug with alcohol and other unhealthy rave-y practices (other drugs and sex). So a group of scientists convinced NIDA to give them 1.8 million to do further studies and came up with "Ecstasy may not harm your brain".
Jigga what?! You don't say! Well then I guess this means that I can get back to rave-in'.
C'mon now! What has science become?
Any drug, prescribed correctly and not abused has been created by pharmaceutical companies to HELP people. Unlike many others, I don't think the historical roots of the pharmaceutical companies is necessarily evil. They have become more evil than the devil himself, but that is a conversation for another time. Basically, we all know that Ecstasy was not created for the sole purpose of getting people high. It was an anti depressant FIRST. But human ingenuity cannot be held down and someone who was REALLY happy with it decided to take it to a party. Fine, that is my take on it and not historically correct, but you get the point.
My main point - which I am trying to get to - is that Ecstasy, X, E, happy pill, smiley face, is in fact a harmful drug. When it is taken by revelers (the rave people) it is rarely ever taken alone and rarely taken just once. People get hooked on that shit. Alcohol isn't dangerous on its own, in fact it has been shown to have health benefits, but there are still people who are alcoholics, for whom the continued consumption of alcohol will severely shorten their lives.
Mr. Pharmaceutical company has seen how lucrative the business is, doesn't want to stop manufacturing the drug so they publish studies like these for the average American who is not curious enough to do more research.
Be warned!
So does this mean that ecstasy really is the risk-free, hangover-free, miracle drug that lets young ravers and gamers party all weekend without having to pay the price? Says Halpern, “No. Ecstasy consumption is dangerous: illegally-made pills can contain harmful contaminants, there are no warning labels, there is no medical supervision, and in rare cases people are physically harmed and even die from overdosing. It is important for drug-abuse information to be accurate, and we hope our report will help upgrade public health messages. But while we found no ominous, concerning risks to cognitive performance, that is quite different from concluding that ecstasy use is ‘risk-free’."
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