"Whip It, Whip It Good"
Hooray! We're back for another recap of EVERYONES favorite show (even the ones who don't yet know that it is their fave show of all time :-) ).
The show starts off with Jason and Malik out to lunch at everyone's favorite outdoor restaurant. Malik asks Jason how Brittany is doing and with the awkwardness of most men, when faced with women-issue words, explains that she's home from school coz she has .....
wierd hand gesture...
"Her period?" Malik says it out loud knowing it would embarrass Jason. Say it Jason! Say it!!!!
Malik shows Jason something that surprises no one but him.
Oh SNAP! Like Malik we all follow Jason to the table to watch a BEAT DOWN! Give it to her Jason!!!
Turns out the only thing Jason is concerned about is whether she ordered the house flat. She lies, but he is satisfied. Again, like Malik, we're not!
A little later on, we find Mel, cutting up a storm in her kitchen veggies flying every which way and Tasha staying respectfully out of reach. I thought in the earlier seasons there was the suggestion that Mel could not cook... maybe it was because of med school or maybe she now had time to learn from Wolfgang Puck BUT I'm still not instilled with much hope.
Tasha, whose itchy weave is giving her a difficult time, probably walked over from her house to kill a few minutes while her hairdresser got there.
A knock on the door reveals Jason, the Brat and the guest star of the episode, Magic Johnson!
Towering above Melanie (he looks twice her height!) he proceeds to a generously offered bowl of grapes and plomps on the couch.
Jason is here to pawn Brittany off on Mel so he can go enjoy golf with Magic J and Tiger (yeah, not Woods apparently). Mel can't do it. Her parents will be there soon and with a complicated series of hand gestures tells Jason to ask Tasha.
We all know how good this is going to be. They never really got along.
Tasha milks it for all she is worth, celebrating when she sees "lemon head's" distress.
Lil' fast girl (thanks Magic) gives Tasha some sass, which backfires and Tasha takes Brittany home with her.
Over at Tasha's house the "training" starts with a few bumps in the road, but after Tasha's hair is done, it seems that Brittany is quite contrite and behaving properly.
Yeah, right! I cannot believe I actually was buying her whole reformed story. Turns out she's got sticky fingers too. She took Tasha's prescription weed and threw Tasha into a switch wielding frenzy. Brittany hides out in the bathroom and Jason comes to rescue his daughter. He calls Tasha irresponsible, defends Brittany and whisks her home.
At home, Jason tries to talk to Brittany, who is too busy to listen and texting on her phone. She's in a huge rush to get out of the house when Jason does something I know I wasn't expecting.
Let go of my purse!
Yeah! Lil' fast girl is in trouble now! You'd think she would be contrite but when she acts a fool, Jason throws her skanky clothes to ground and quits his job so he can strap her to his side. Her second miscalculation of the day!
Back at the Davis household, Mel is throwing herself into a tizzy excited about her parents arrival. Aren't you excited Derwin?!
Yeah, I thought so.
Melanie's parents arrive and they have FLIPPED the script so much that Derwin is totally thrown off track. But he settles very nicely into the evening with his in-laws fawning over him and all his moolah. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be as interested in Mel's life. When her dad stands up to do the Derwin dance (have we seen it?) Mel erupts and goes upstairs.
Well that was awkward.
She comes down later to talk to her mom and explain her reason for not pursuing medicine. I believe in my man (tear tear, sniff sniff). Somehow the small phrase "our family" gets misinterpreted by her mom, who thinks Mel is pregnant and spreads the good news to dad and a very confused Derwin.
Don't you dare take this away from me DERwin! Ummmm... we're backing off too!
Now all would be said and done, but you know it's not quite over. Malik is watching his maid bowl promising to bring all her kids from Guatemala when suddenly in walks Tasha. Wait! What is that in her hand?
What's that for?
Aw, hell no!
Run Malik! RUN!
Well, she did say someone was going to get the switch today!
Fun episode. It was great to see Jason stepping up as a dad. No matter what his shortcomings may be, this show of fatherly force is something every girl with a dad in her life appreciates! It is always good to see Derwin interact with Mel's parents, although the desperate-housewife-of-San-Diego thing Mel is doing is such a downer. Bligh.
The last scene was BRILLIANT and summed up my feelings of the episode.
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