So the birthers are at it again.
It is so painful to some, so offensive to their sensibilities that President Barack Obama was born to a single mother and had an African man for a father and that somewhere in his past are muslim roots.
I mean, how much more offensive could it get. Not just a black man. But a black man born to an unmarried woman. Not just a black man but a black man, the son of a man who lives in AFRICA!!! Not just a black man, but a MUSLIM man! Jesus be rolling up in Heaven shakin' his head screaming at America (imagine this with his fist shaking down at all y'all who voted for Barry the Kenyan), "You *&^%$#@!!!! What did I tell yo asses in both Romans 13:3-6 and 1 Peter 2:13-15?"
So now people want hard evidence. Not that it hasn't already been provided, they want the looooooooooong form, not the short form. They also want his recent colonoscopy results, how often Michelle uses contraception and Malia and Sasha's dental records. Please use Times New Roman, size 12 and double space your friggin' paragraphs you heathens!
Enough already. The papers have been provided and there is no other proof that could possibly be provided to convince people with NO CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS whatsoever, that Barry the Kenyan is Hussein the American!!! After all, we all remember these guys.
I think this is the best response for birthers, summarized right here.
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