Phylicia Barnes was a 16 year old, vibrant young girl with a bright future. She disappeared on the 28th of December, 2010 and was never seen again.
The attention brought to this case by black bloggers and other bloggers was the only reason why the media picked up this story. The disproportionate attention brought to cases involving caucasian women missing for a shorter time than Phylicia seemed to incense the blogosphere, who together continued to blog about her, about her case and make her information known.
As a result, many blogs with black and/or female authors covered her disappearance including us here at Qalil. Kudos to all of them. There are other missing women of color out there who need to be found, whose possible tragic ends have to be discovered and perpetrators brought to justice. Like stfufauxminists said guilt is not what we need, we need a call to action for ALL women.
Today the devastating news of her death is being played over and over again by the same media that ignored her disappearance. As we mourn for this life lost so young, let it be our constant reminder of the terrible injustice that permeates our society. This terrible injustice that women of color who go missing are less likely to be featured in the media than their white counterparts.
There needs to be a change.
Today stands beside the family of Phylica, hoping that time will help these bitter wounds heal.
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