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More often than not, the stories told about the culture of the conquered or oppressed are crafted for the express purpose of making them seem weak, incredibly savage, uncivilized and less than they are to prove that they are justified in conquering, stealing from and oppressing them.
This modification of history has happened all around the World.
Formerly oppressed/conquered people are beginning to come out to oppose fabricated histories that have shaped their culture. For example, the actual history of the atrocities committed by the Germans in Namibia where thousands of Boers were killed in concentration camps, a training ground for what would later become the most famous holocaust in the World's history.
It is, therefore, a rare occurrance when one finds a film like the one shown below.
Even though the story is told from the perspective of someone who could be considered an oppressor, he chooses to take an honest and candid look at some of the immoral choices of the British empire as they attempted to squash the MauMau revolution of Kenya that eventually led to its independence in 1963.
These stories need to be told again and again so that people begin to understand the complex political structures that had shaped the continent prior to colonialism were not barbaric, as some have chosen to say, but supported a thriving, sustainable network in which economies and scholarly endeavors.
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