I give in. Now that y'all have blogged about this ad nauseum.
I have never been more disappointed in gossip ever!! Shriver and the Schwarzenegger are over because of a child he had with the maid 14 years ago. She knew his molestering ass had his hands all over the help, didn't protect them or could put up with it then suddenly she had enough? Is it coz he isn't running for office again and only politics gets her going?
No way The Terminator was paying child support for 14 years without Ms. Shriver knowing.
The outspoken product of the Kennedy family didn't know there were thousands being milked from her husband's account paying for child support? And those of you (yes men, I'm talking to y'all) who have to pay child support each month know it is a hell of a lot of money.
I think something else is afoot! We just haven't been told. California is on fire or leaking some noxious poison into the water or they're installing batman's cave or aliens are in the process of taking over and our attention is just being diverted.
Don't get me wrong, I know the plight of women who have stayed with a man who lies and cheats and they end up forgiving them and the cycle repeats itself till a critical mass is reached. The main point here is that he continues doing stuff until she catches him in her 800 thread Egyptian cotton sheets with two floozies then she throws him out the door with one pair of boxers to cover his man parts. But here the straw that broke the camels back surely was not an affair that petered out 10 years ago after producing a son. An affair she would have known about (don't women always claim that they knew?) and child support payments she'd know were being drained from his account (Ms. Shriver ain't dumb). This was not it. Nuh-uh!
Feed me some other line coz I ain't chomping on this bait. I'll just wait till the gossip gets better and some other woman pops on his arm. Betcha she wasn't even the one who ended it. Which is why he's all like "Don't talk about her or my family and focus on me blah blah blah, it's kinda hard when you're not the one lugging your bags into the back of the yellow cab, stacking your children in one by one, being driven off into the sunset with one solitary tear streaming down your cheek, quickly being rubbed away by a monogrammed lace hanky with MSK on it. Yeah. No.
Let's wait and see!
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