image credit: Dr.Bacchus |
There go the African politics we have all come to know and sigh at. We sit around in little pseudo-political science circles arguing moot points about the politicians that have been put in power and wring our hands in frustration. And yet when election day comes again, they'll frighten you with stories about homosexuals, abortions & feminism, tribalism and all manner of other non-issues so you'll vote them in again.
Ugandan parliamentarians recently got very expensive cars and a pay rise. People posted all kinds of things on their Facebook pages, decrying the corruption and immorality of the new government that THEY voted in (shakes head) and now look what is happening in Kenya!!
According to Reuters, Kenyan parlimentarians have declared that they WILL NOT pay the back taxes they owe claiming that it would cut into their salaries making them more susceptible to bribes!!
WHAT?! Come again? So, when you were calling Mr. Opposition out, saying he was corrupt, he would not look after you, he was going to _____ (fill in the space with whatever lies they spewed) you were really talking about yourself?
Why? Why are they more susceptible to bribery? So what about the poor man who robs and steals and kills, should he be let off because he was susceptible to stealing since he needed to FEED HIMSELF?!
What duchebaggery!
So Mr. Kenyan person reading this, are you going to sit aside and let the Parliament replicate the actions of the Ugandan one? They're taking your hard earned taxes and laughing (very loudly) all the way to the bank because you voted them in!
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