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0 SciFi Exploration: Time Travel
By Gigi on
How many times have you heard the word IMPOSSIBLE erupt after a discussion of time travel is introduced? I guess in some ways you would have to allow yourself some degree of geekiness and daydreaming in class - which is NOT what good students do. I wasn't a good student.
We have been told that the reason why time travel cannot occur is because time is linear and everything that has happened has happened and the only thing to do is move forward (apparently whether you like it or not). Even in movies where this has been explored, like my favored choice Back to the Future, time is considered linear.
Marty's mother falls in love with him and he has to find a way to make her meet his father so he can be born. The now famous "Grandfather Paradox" which is the theory that you cannot travel back in time because if the situation arose that you killed your grandfather, then it would mean that you would not be born and therefore could have not been there to travel in the past to kill him in the first place. Fine, my explanation rambles. Check it out on Wikipedia.
A scientist has come out and WIPED the slate clean. By studying the way particles behave, it seems that events would orchestrate themselves in such a way that you would NEVER be able to kill your grandfather even if you tried it.
With this new information about time travel, we do not have to tremble in our boots when the members of SG-1 suddenly find themselves in ancient Egypt, or somewhere in the 1970s and have to keep absolutely mum about the 21st century in order not to affect the timeline.
Captain Janeway can relax the rules of the Prime Directive regarding time travel and do what she needs to do to get her crew home.
I'm excited to see what new theories will arise in movies and how they will tackle this new information. I hope they do!
What is your favorite Sci-Fi time travel movie or tv show?
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We have been told that the reason why time travel cannot occur is because time is linear and everything that has happened has happened and the only thing to do is move forward (apparently whether you like it or not). Even in movies where this has been explored, like my favored choice Back to the Future, time is considered linear.
Marty's mother falls in love with him and he has to find a way to make her meet his father so he can be born. The now famous "Grandfather Paradox" which is the theory that you cannot travel back in time because if the situation arose that you killed your grandfather, then it would mean that you would not be born and therefore could have not been there to travel in the past to kill him in the first place. Fine, my explanation rambles. Check it out on Wikipedia.
A scientist has come out and WIPED the slate clean. By studying the way particles behave, it seems that events would orchestrate themselves in such a way that you would NEVER be able to kill your grandfather even if you tried it.
With this new information about time travel, we do not have to tremble in our boots when the members of SG-1 suddenly find themselves in ancient Egypt, or somewhere in the 1970s and have to keep absolutely mum about the 21st century in order not to affect the timeline.
Captain Janeway can relax the rules of the Prime Directive regarding time travel and do what she needs to do to get her crew home.
I'm excited to see what new theories will arise in movies and how they will tackle this new information. I hope they do!
What is your favorite Sci-Fi time travel movie or tv show?
0 In Jail for Child Support
By Gigi on Monday, 28 March 2011
I was recently made aware of a case that was brought to the SCOTUS.
Michael Turner was taken to court by the mother of his child, Rebecca Rogers. He had not made his child support payments and was in arrears of up to $6,000.
In order to get him to pay, she had him taken to court and he was sentenced to 12 months in prison unless he could pay $6,000.
He claims that he has not paid child support because he lost his job and therefore has no income to pay child support. She says that is a lie because she knows he bought drugs and is actively choosing them over their child.
In South Carolina, where they live, the state is not required to provide a public defendant. So in court he was not represented by any legal counsel. Neither was she.
The case before SCOTUS is whether indigent parents (those who for one reason or another are not looking after their children) should be provided with counsel. He says the state should provide counsel so his case can be properly argued. She says that introducing counsel means she will have to pay someone and she cannot afford it.
What do you think?
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Michael Turner was taken to court by the mother of his child, Rebecca Rogers. He had not made his child support payments and was in arrears of up to $6,000.
In order to get him to pay, she had him taken to court and he was sentenced to 12 months in prison unless he could pay $6,000.
He claims that he has not paid child support because he lost his job and therefore has no income to pay child support. She says that is a lie because she knows he bought drugs and is actively choosing them over their child.
In South Carolina, where they live, the state is not required to provide a public defendant. So in court he was not represented by any legal counsel. Neither was she.
The case before SCOTUS is whether indigent parents (those who for one reason or another are not looking after their children) should be provided with counsel. He says the state should provide counsel so his case can be properly argued. She says that introducing counsel means she will have to pay someone and she cannot afford it.
What do you think?
0 Why Earth Hour is Important to You
By Gigi on Saturday, 26 March 2011
You may have heard of Earth Hour, the 60 minutes dedicated to turning off the lights in your home to show solidarity around the World for conserving energy.
In a time when the economic meltdown of our country is consuming every thought we have, the precarious nature of our jobs and our empty savings account, it can be difficult to place Earth Hour in a significant spot in your life.
Earth Hour is an important show of solidarity around the World and the global concern and interest we all have in the Earth's fast dwindling petroleum energy resources and the pollution they cause. You know when you set up a neighborhood watch in your area, but that one neighbor doesn't do their part and the serial killer comes in through their back yard? Yeah, you don't want to be that guy.
If you'd like more information, please visit
Take some time to watch this video.
0 Reading Faster?
By Gigi on Friday, 25 March 2011
If you have ever spoken to someone who cannot read, or allowed yourself to learn a language written without the English alphabet then you understand the magic of reading. Looking at symbols that convey a message that seems like a secret message until you learn to unlock the secret.
We learnt how to read back in elementary school and although we had to practice it in school, studies are now showing that most of us never improve our reading speed or comprehension skills past the sixth grade! One comparison I read said if you played piano for 12 years but every time you played you sounded like you'd just started your lessons, it would seem very strange.
So why are we not keen on learning to read faster or increasing our comprehension of whatever we read?
Here is a speed reading test to find out what your Words Per Minute (WPM) and comprehension are.
Here is an internet website where you can practice to speed read.
0 Creative Resumes
By Gigi on Thursday, 24 March 2011
It seems that everywhere we look people are falling out of employment into the unemployment line. Everyone starts out very optimistic, looking online for jobs, reformatting their resumes and calling up random companies from the phone book to see if they have any job openings.
This may seem a little outlandish, but depending on the field in which you find yourself, a resume can be something different from the usual Microsoft Word templates that are familiar to us all. I recall the scene in Legally Blonde, when Elle pulled out her pink resume that had been printed on scented paper.
Is that the way you should go? Probably not if you're applying to be a Construction Manager on a major construction project, but consider it if you're taking in your application to a beauty Salon.
You may consider using colorful children's blocks and teddy bears if your resume is going to a Kindergarten, or an AutoCad drawing of a building you designed in College (or designed recently) if you're applying to work for an Architect or engineer. Whatever your field is, if you are creative with your resume, it cannot harm your chances for employment in an economy as tough as this one and makes you stand out from the crowd.
Take a look at some of the samples I've found on the Internet.
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This may seem a little outlandish, but depending on the field in which you find yourself, a resume can be something different from the usual Microsoft Word templates that are familiar to us all. I recall the scene in Legally Blonde, when Elle pulled out her pink resume that had been printed on scented paper.
Is that the way you should go? Probably not if you're applying to be a Construction Manager on a major construction project, but consider it if you're taking in your application to a beauty Salon.
You may consider using colorful children's blocks and teddy bears if your resume is going to a Kindergarten, or an AutoCad drawing of a building you designed in College (or designed recently) if you're applying to work for an Architect or engineer. Whatever your field is, if you are creative with your resume, it cannot harm your chances for employment in an economy as tough as this one and makes you stand out from the crowd.
Take a look at some of the samples I've found on the Internet.
mmahgoub |
Emilie Ogez |
bananas-web |
mistis |
0 Google Science Fair
By Gigi on Wednesday, 23 March 2011
I'm a certifiably GOOGLEFIED! In the past, if you asked me which company I wanted to work for I would have had to say GOOGLE! The reason why it excited me was because they accepted the most creative minds and sought creative one-of-a-kind solutions to internet based problems we've all faced. That's why they are the biggest!
Anyway, enough of my google-praise.
President Obama and various other educators have said that the only way America is going to move forward is if we wholeheartedly put ourselves behind fostering creativity in our children. I agree.
Creativity is what has created some of the most fascinating technological achievements of our time. One guy put wires into his body, connecting them to the nerves that went to his brain to see if he could control a robotic arm. What if he could send those kinds of messages wirelessly to a receiver on the other side of the globe? Could the events of the 2009 Bruce Willis Movie Surrogates be just around the corner?
Here is a chance to involve your child in a very creative endeavor for their own future and possibly the future of the World. Engage them in a discussion about science and what they could do for Google Science Fair. Check out the rules, make your submissions and see what happens!
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Anyway, enough of my google-praise.
President Obama and various other educators have said that the only way America is going to move forward is if we wholeheartedly put ourselves behind fostering creativity in our children. I agree.
Creativity is what has created some of the most fascinating technological achievements of our time. One guy put wires into his body, connecting them to the nerves that went to his brain to see if he could control a robotic arm. What if he could send those kinds of messages wirelessly to a receiver on the other side of the globe? Could the events of the 2009 Bruce Willis Movie Surrogates be just around the corner?
Here is a chance to involve your child in a very creative endeavor for their own future and possibly the future of the World. Engage them in a discussion about science and what they could do for Google Science Fair. Check out the rules, make your submissions and see what happens!
0 Scoop on Poop
By Gigi on
If there is anything that the new Oprah Winfrey Network programme Ask Oprah's All Stars has taught us, it is that America is obsessed with poop.
It is true that keeping an eye on the substance that comes out of the other end of your mouth tells you a lot about your overall health.
Sometimes the battle to see the substance is the problem and as we sit on the toilet, squeezing every muscle we've got, like a body builder at a competition, the discomfort can make us regret every bad thing we ever said.
Constipation is very uncomfortable, but the good news is that it is treatable and managing your diet to include certain food can go a long way in making sure you remain happy inside and outside the bathroom. Here are a few to include and why.
1. Raw Fruit. Bananas contain high amounts of potassium and fructooligosaccharide. These compounds will help keep your intestinal tract healthy by restoring electrolytes and healthy bacteria that aid digestion. Apples contain lots of pectin that stimulate bowel movement. Melons have lots of fiber. Good for cleaning the intestinal tract.
2. Prunes. Prunes are high in potassium, fiber and iron, which is why older people tend to have a bag of them somewhere in the house. Keep a few on hand for emergencies.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar. This must-have ingredient is the staple for any cook's kitchen. It is high in potassium and must be ingested in its raw form for the beneficial living nutrients and bacteria to do their work. Some studies have also show that it may normalize blood pressure.
4. Aloe Vera. Aloe vera can be seen written on the containers of many cosmetic products. The reason is that aloe vera gel contains up to 75 known nutrients, 20 different minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 plant compounds called phytonutrients, enzymes and water. Pick up aloe vera juice from your local health store and use it for a quick relief for constipation.
5. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger & Tumeric. Cayenne pepper has been shown to stimulate the digestive tract. It is a hot spice, usually red in color and is typically used in food. You will not get the effects of ginger if you just drink packaged ginger tea or the powdered stuff. Fresh ginger helps maintain regular digestion. Tumeric is considered to be the livers spice, helping it detoxify by assisting enzymes flush out dietary carcinogens.
6. Citrus Fruits. Aside from aiding the body in flushing out toxins, providing your body with lots of detoxifying vitamin C, helping in the absorption of iron from your diet, it jolts that digestive tract into action. Eaten raw, one orange will provide you with 15% of your daily recommended fiber.
7. Raw Vegetables. You cannot go wrong with raw veggies. They provide fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, reduce cholesterol, minerals, to name a few. They are the base of the food pyramid of any health conscious person. Include carrots for pectin, onions to relieve allergies, garlic to flush out toxins and fight stomach cancer, broccoli & cauliflower for fiber and cabbage to soften the stool.
8. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are high in lycopene, an antioxidant that fights colon cancer, but also provides vitamins C, A and K, as well as providing fiber. Caution: communities that consume large volumes of tomatoes have also been shown to have high instances of gout. Moderation is the key.
These are just a few of the food types that can bring relief when constipation is a problem. Try to avoid fried food, fatty meat, dairy products, refined and processed food, sugary food, caffeine and carbonated drinks for a happy digestive tract!
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It is true that keeping an eye on the substance that comes out of the other end of your mouth tells you a lot about your overall health.
Sometimes the battle to see the substance is the problem and as we sit on the toilet, squeezing every muscle we've got, like a body builder at a competition, the discomfort can make us regret every bad thing we ever said.
Constipation is very uncomfortable, but the good news is that it is treatable and managing your diet to include certain food can go a long way in making sure you remain happy inside and outside the bathroom. Here are a few to include and why.
1. Raw Fruit. Bananas contain high amounts of potassium and fructooligosaccharide. These compounds will help keep your intestinal tract healthy by restoring electrolytes and healthy bacteria that aid digestion. Apples contain lots of pectin that stimulate bowel movement. Melons have lots of fiber. Good for cleaning the intestinal tract.
2. Prunes. Prunes are high in potassium, fiber and iron, which is why older people tend to have a bag of them somewhere in the house. Keep a few on hand for emergencies.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar. This must-have ingredient is the staple for any cook's kitchen. It is high in potassium and must be ingested in its raw form for the beneficial living nutrients and bacteria to do their work. Some studies have also show that it may normalize blood pressure.
4. Aloe Vera. Aloe vera can be seen written on the containers of many cosmetic products. The reason is that aloe vera gel contains up to 75 known nutrients, 20 different minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 plant compounds called phytonutrients, enzymes and water. Pick up aloe vera juice from your local health store and use it for a quick relief for constipation.
5. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger & Tumeric. Cayenne pepper has been shown to stimulate the digestive tract. It is a hot spice, usually red in color and is typically used in food. You will not get the effects of ginger if you just drink packaged ginger tea or the powdered stuff. Fresh ginger helps maintain regular digestion. Tumeric is considered to be the livers spice, helping it detoxify by assisting enzymes flush out dietary carcinogens.
6. Citrus Fruits. Aside from aiding the body in flushing out toxins, providing your body with lots of detoxifying vitamin C, helping in the absorption of iron from your diet, it jolts that digestive tract into action. Eaten raw, one orange will provide you with 15% of your daily recommended fiber.
7. Raw Vegetables. You cannot go wrong with raw veggies. They provide fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, reduce cholesterol, minerals, to name a few. They are the base of the food pyramid of any health conscious person. Include carrots for pectin, onions to relieve allergies, garlic to flush out toxins and fight stomach cancer, broccoli & cauliflower for fiber and cabbage to soften the stool.
8. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are high in lycopene, an antioxidant that fights colon cancer, but also provides vitamins C, A and K, as well as providing fiber. Caution: communities that consume large volumes of tomatoes have also been shown to have high instances of gout. Moderation is the key.
These are just a few of the food types that can bring relief when constipation is a problem. Try to avoid fried food, fatty meat, dairy products, refined and processed food, sugary food, caffeine and carbonated drinks for a happy digestive tract!
0 WWF Celebrity Style
By Gigi on
So Chris Brown is in the news again because of Rhianna. If someone kept bringing up some stupid thing I did back in 2009 even though I said sorry 15,000 different ways to 15,000 different news anchors and wept 15,000 tears then wrote 15,000 songs and did 15,000 good deeds to atone for my stupid thing I'd throw a chair through a window too!
We now all know that women are perpetrators of domestic abuse as well. It is a subject that we approach with caution because it forces us to reconsider the very closely held and protected notion that women are weaker than men. I challenge you to read studies that say something different like this paper written by Murray A. Strauss of the University of New Hampshire that says that women initiate partner abuse just as often as men do.
Don't wrinkle your nose like that because you know it is true.
I'm a feminist. Staunch and true and flash my card under the nose of anyone who would call it into question. My brand of feminism approaches issues with honesty. I declare that women are not above men and should not be treated as such. I declare that men are not above women and should not be treated that way either. I declare that all human beings are EQUAL UNDER THE LAW. If two men get into an argument and throw punches what are the questions we'd ask? Why would it be different if a man and a woman fought?
I do not claim that domestic violence against women do not occur. It does. It is sad indeed. But let us not ignore the fact that women are perpetrators of this crime as well.
Our demands on socially acceptable behavior of men, require that he take his punches like a man and not wimp out of fights. You may consider yourself vastly enlightened when it comes to this issue, but I DARE you to advise a friend on dating a man who went to the police when his ex was physically violent towards him without thinking to yourself "What a pu$$y!" See how easy it is for your opinion to change? Men are wimps if they talk about the abuse they suffered but women are strong. It may not come out of our mouths, but it is reflected in our actions towards them. Actions speak louder than words!
In forcing Chris Brown to live and relive the possible abuse that may have culminated in Rhianna's bruised face, let's remember that it is very possible that he was the victim. I'm just saying. And can we be done with it now? Please? Pretty please? Coz now look what y'all done did making him try and change his image!
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So Chris Brown is in the news again because of Rhianna. If someone kept bringing up some stupid thing I did back in 2009 even though I said sorry 15,000 different ways to 15,000 different news anchors and wept 15,000 tears then wrote 15,000 songs and did 15,000 good deeds to atone for my stupid thing I'd throw a chair through a window too!
We now all know that women are perpetrators of domestic abuse as well. It is a subject that we approach with caution because it forces us to reconsider the very closely held and protected notion that women are weaker than men. I challenge you to read studies that say something different like this paper written by Murray A. Strauss of the University of New Hampshire that says that women initiate partner abuse just as often as men do.
Don't wrinkle your nose like that because you know it is true.
I'm a feminist. Staunch and true and flash my card under the nose of anyone who would call it into question. My brand of feminism approaches issues with honesty. I declare that women are not above men and should not be treated as such. I declare that men are not above women and should not be treated that way either. I declare that all human beings are EQUAL UNDER THE LAW. If two men get into an argument and throw punches what are the questions we'd ask? Why would it be different if a man and a woman fought?
I do not claim that domestic violence against women do not occur. It does. It is sad indeed. But let us not ignore the fact that women are perpetrators of this crime as well.
Our demands on socially acceptable behavior of men, require that he take his punches like a man and not wimp out of fights. You may consider yourself vastly enlightened when it comes to this issue, but I DARE you to advise a friend on dating a man who went to the police when his ex was physically violent towards him without thinking to yourself "What a pu$$y!" See how easy it is for your opinion to change? Men are wimps if they talk about the abuse they suffered but women are strong. It may not come out of our mouths, but it is reflected in our actions towards them. Actions speak louder than words!
In forcing Chris Brown to live and relive the possible abuse that may have culminated in Rhianna's bruised face, let's remember that it is very possible that he was the victim. I'm just saying. And can we be done with it now? Please? Pretty please? Coz now look what y'all done did making him try and change his image!
0 Online Chat
By Gigi on Tuesday, 22 March 2011
In 2004 I went through a terrible breakup. I had been completely consumed with the relationship that I failed to properly maintain my friendships. As a result I found myself without a shoulder to cry on and a completely empty life.
After picking myself up from the floor and changing stuff around, I decided to venture into online communities and threw myself 100% into the experience.
The result of that has been some really strong reliable friendships that have stood the test of time and (more importantly) my weird neuroses.
My mission has become one that encourages people to develop healthy relationships with other people online who may (or may not) be different from yourself. Learn something new, understand another person's perspective and allow yourself to fully enjoy the process of discovering another human being. It enforces the humanity in all of us.
So in line with that mission I bring you where you can video chat with people you know, discover communities geared towards you own interests and discover new things about someone else.
0 Photo of the day
By Gigi on Sunday, 20 March 2011 |
0 Are You Being Hoodwinked?
By Gigi on
by Arend van Dam |
In watching World events through your television, it is important to remember that some stories get dropped for others that will horrify and shock us. We may be so caught up in the shooting that happened on 27th and Main that we fail to applaud the efforts of Mr. Neighbour's child who bravely fought off the local bullies. It is the job of the media to do this and we cannot blame them. If we tuned in to watch news that did not possess such gory details or watch television shows that depict the worst kind of violence within our culture or depravity beyond belief, would they still peddle it?
There is an element in each one of us that wants to watch the mess so we can feel a little bit better about our lives. "We're not so bad," we tell ourselves and then tune in to watch someone spiral out of control on Intervention.
Even while we enjoy watching the disaster happening in Japan, let us not forget our fellow human beings, living beside us and celebrate the fullness of life as it is.
0 Design Your Home for FREE!
By Gigi on Saturday, 19 March 2011
If you are anything like me, interior decorating and design TV shows get my imagination racing! All the stuff that could be changed in my home for a few dollars and "poof" my drab decor will be transformed into a palace of unprecedented appeal!
Yes, my arms were in the air, rapture all over my face... until I remember I cannot afford it! I'm hoarding my cash y'all, this recession is for the dogs!
Then I found this website, My Deco 3D, where you can upload a floor plan of your house (or use one of the many floor plans they have available, and become your own decorator, trying the various tips and tricks that you've seen on TV.
Try it out. See if you like it. There is NOTHING to install, so your computer should be safe. Go on, give it a try!
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Yes, my arms were in the air, rapture all over my face... until I remember I cannot afford it! I'm hoarding my cash y'all, this recession is for the dogs!
Then I found this website, My Deco 3D, where you can upload a floor plan of your house (or use one of the many floor plans they have available, and become your own decorator, trying the various tips and tricks that you've seen on TV.
Try it out. See if you like it. There is NOTHING to install, so your computer should be safe. Go on, give it a try!
0 Best Teacher I Ever Had
By Gigi on Friday, 18 March 2011
by David Owen
Extracted from Reader's Digest (Asian Edition), April 1991, pp. 47-48.Mr. Whitson taught sixth-grade science. On the first day of class, he gave us a lecture about a creature called the cattywampus, an ill-adapted nocturnal animal that was wiped out during the Ice Age. He passed around a skull as he talked. We all took notes and later had a quiz.
When he returned my paper, I was shocked. There was a big red X through each of my answers. I had failed. There had to be some mistake! I had written down exactly what Mr. Whitson said. Then I realized that everyone in the class had failed. What had happened?
Very simple, Mr. Whitson explained. He had made up all the stuff about the cattywampus. There had never been any such animal. The information in our notes was, therefore, incorrect. Did we expect credit for incorrect answers?
Needless to say, we were outraged. What kind of test was this? And what kind of teacher?
We should have figured it out, Mr. Whitson said. After all, at the every moment he was passing around the cattywampus skull (in truth, a cat's), hadn't he been telling us that no trace of the animal remained? He had described its amazing night vision, the color of its fur and any number of other facts he couldn't have known. He had given the animal a ridiculous name, and we still hadn't been suspicious. The zeroes on our papers would be recorded in his grade book, he said. And they were.
Mr. Whitson said he hoped we would learn something from this experience. Teachers and textbooks are not infallable. In fact, no one is. He told us not to let our minds go to sleep, and to speak up if we ever thought he or the textbook was wrong.
Every class was an adventure with Mr. Whitson. I can still remember some science periods almost from beginning to end. On day he told us that his Volkswagon was a living organism. It took us two full days to put together a refutation he would accept. He didn't let us off the hook until we had proved not only that we knew what an organism was but also that we had the fortitude to stand up for the truth.
We carried our brand-new skepticism into all our classes. This caused problems for the other teachers, who weren't used to being challenged. Our history teacher would be lecturing about something, and then there would be clearings of the throat and someone would say 'cattywampus.'
If I'm ever asked to propose a solution to the problems in our schools, it will be Mr. Whitson. I haven't made any great scientific discoveries, but Mr. Whitson's class gave me and my classmates something just as important: the courage to look people in the eye and tell them they are wrong. He also showed us that you can fun doing it.
Not everyone sees the value in this. I once told an elementary school teacher about Mr. Whitson. The teacher was appalled. "He shouldn't have tricked you like that," he said. I looked that teacher right in the eye and told him that he was wrong.
0 Online Gaming: Assassin in Training
By Gigi on Thursday, 17 March 2011
My friend and I were reminiscing and ended up talking about the dreams we had as young girls. We both wanted to be in espionage. She wanted to be an assassin. I just wanted to be like all the cool characters in Robert Ludlum and Jeffery Archer's novels. There was never any question in my mind that I could do it and I walked around the house making small notes about stuff I noticed and things I'd seen.
So imagine my elation at finding this game on the internet! Think you can play along and be part of an elite group of assassins? Enjoy!
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So imagine my elation at finding this game on the internet! Think you can play along and be part of an elite group of assassins? Enjoy!
0 Careers: Architects
By Gigi on Friday, 11 March 2011
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Dynamic Architecture |
I studied hard, lost myself along the way and didn't get the grades necessary for medical school. It took many years after that to figure out what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. I dabbled in acting, music, computer science, botany and even for a while considered being a teacher! My character and personality does not support the patience required to pass on information to youngsters, so that was a major stress for me.
We spend most of our lives working towards being something and then find that in the middle of it, this is not what we really wanted, or not quite what we hoped it would be. It is important not to allow yourself to be caught up in staying stable with a job you hate and allow yourself to take the risk and explore something you always really wanted to do.
If you are searching for the next step in your life, whether you're in high school, looking for a place to belong or have already had a successful career but you're looking for a change, consider Architecture. Think you got what it takes? Click this link to find out some more.
0 Michael Moore: America is NOT Broke
By Gigi on Wednesday, 9 March 2011
If you cannot listen to the speech and would like to read the transcript, click here.
How did he get there? Publicity stunt? Concern? Read this!
What are your thoughts?
0 Tyler Perry Phenomenon
By Gigi on
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Tyler Perry on the Oprah Show |
What really had me going was the title Oprah gave him at the beginning of the show.
"The Second Most Highly Paid Man in Hollywood"
Yo! I don't think I really grasped what that meant until an hour after I watched it.
After David Cameron, the director of Avatar who made 8 billion dollars off ONE movie, Tyler Perry is number 2.
A lot of people within and without the black community consider his form of art "coonery and buffoonery" and either refuse to watch his movies and/or plays or go to watch them just to give them bad reviews, but let me reiterate,
After David Cameron, the director of Avatar who made 8 billion dollars off ONE movie, Tyler Perry is number 2.
Most of Tyler Perry's work is consumed by the black community so in essence we are the ones fueling his rise in Hollywood. Us.
Rather than looking at it as "we made him rich" it should be "look at the power of our dollars". When people make movies, write books, do documentaries, print magazines, create TV shows, make clothes, the last factor they think about is African American dollar.
And yet here is Tyler Perry, whose art is mostly consumed by the black community and he is the second highest paid man in Hollywood.
(Have I made my point yet?)
I am proud to know all of you, reading this post, and all my African American brothers and sisters whose statement with their dollar shows what they want to see. Images of redemption, of themselves on the screen living robust and full lives and figuring things out just like everyone else on the planet.
0 Happy Black Girl Day!!
By Gigi on
Ok, seriously, how fabulous is this?! A day we can celebrate that is our very own and we get to do it EVERY month! Woooooo chile! There's about to be an UPSET up in here!!
Who is this Jonny-come-lately, you ask? I know I'm a year behind (fine fine, a year and a month), but I don't think it matters as long as I got my pom-poms and joined the parade, right?
I'm not going to be fair or humble about HBGD day, because I am so happy and proud to be an HBG! Especially today! This is my first celebration so bear with me as I fly hither and thither across my mind.
I enjoy the company of women, I particularly enjoy the company of black women and there is NOTHING that beats the company of self aware black women gathered together to support and encourage one another. Their beautiful smiles, brilliant white teeth flashing against bronzes, mocha, ebony and mahogany hues brings a big smile to my own. Their sharp wit and deep belly laughs rolling around the room cascading over you and reverberating in your own chest. Their quick feet as they rise to their favorite old school beats, showing off their dorkiest dance floor moves.
Don't just read this wondering what HBGD is, go and read it for yourself!
Happy Black Girl Day my sisters, I am blessed to be a part of you!
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Who is this Jonny-come-lately, you ask? I know I'm a year behind (fine fine, a year and a month), but I don't think it matters as long as I got my pom-poms and joined the parade, right?
I'm not going to be fair or humble about HBGD day, because I am so happy and proud to be an HBG! Especially today! This is my first celebration so bear with me as I fly hither and thither across my mind.
I enjoy the company of women, I particularly enjoy the company of black women and there is NOTHING that beats the company of self aware black women gathered together to support and encourage one another. Their beautiful smiles, brilliant white teeth flashing against bronzes, mocha, ebony and mahogany hues brings a big smile to my own. Their sharp wit and deep belly laughs rolling around the room cascading over you and reverberating in your own chest. Their quick feet as they rise to their favorite old school beats, showing off their dorkiest dance floor moves.
Don't just read this wondering what HBGD is, go and read it for yourself!
Happy Black Girl Day my sisters, I am blessed to be a part of you!
0 The Game Recap: Episode 409
By Gigi on Tuesday, 8 March 2011
"Whip It, Whip It Good"
Hooray! We're back for another recap of EVERYONES favorite show (even the ones who don't yet know that it is their fave show of all time :-) ).
The show starts off with Jason and Malik out to lunch at everyone's favorite outdoor restaurant. Malik asks Jason how Brittany is doing and with the awkwardness of most men, when faced with women-issue words, explains that she's home from school coz she has .....
wierd hand gesture...
"Her period?" Malik says it out loud knowing it would embarrass Jason. Say it Jason! Say it!!!!
Malik shows Jason something that surprises no one but him.
Oh SNAP! Like Malik we all follow Jason to the table to watch a BEAT DOWN! Give it to her Jason!!!
Turns out the only thing Jason is concerned about is whether she ordered the house flat. She lies, but he is satisfied. Again, like Malik, we're not!
A little later on, we find Mel, cutting up a storm in her kitchen veggies flying every which way and Tasha staying respectfully out of reach. I thought in the earlier seasons there was the suggestion that Mel could not cook... maybe it was because of med school or maybe she now had time to learn from Wolfgang Puck BUT I'm still not instilled with much hope.
Tasha, whose itchy weave is giving her a difficult time, probably walked over from her house to kill a few minutes while her hairdresser got there.
A knock on the door reveals Jason, the Brat and the guest star of the episode, Magic Johnson!
Towering above Melanie (he looks twice her height!) he proceeds to a generously offered bowl of grapes and plomps on the couch.
Jason is here to pawn Brittany off on Mel so he can go enjoy golf with Magic J and Tiger (yeah, not Woods apparently). Mel can't do it. Her parents will be there soon and with a complicated series of hand gestures tells Jason to ask Tasha.
We all know how good this is going to be. They never really got along.
Tasha milks it for all she is worth, celebrating when she sees "lemon head's" distress.
Lil' fast girl (thanks Magic) gives Tasha some sass, which backfires and Tasha takes Brittany home with her.
Over at Tasha's house the "training" starts with a few bumps in the road, but after Tasha's hair is done, it seems that Brittany is quite contrite and behaving properly.
Yeah, right! I cannot believe I actually was buying her whole reformed story. Turns out she's got sticky fingers too. She took Tasha's prescription weed and threw Tasha into a switch wielding frenzy. Brittany hides out in the bathroom and Jason comes to rescue his daughter. He calls Tasha irresponsible, defends Brittany and whisks her home.
At home, Jason tries to talk to Brittany, who is too busy to listen and texting on her phone. She's in a huge rush to get out of the house when Jason does something I know I wasn't expecting.
Let go of my purse!
Yeah! Lil' fast girl is in trouble now! You'd think she would be contrite but when she acts a fool, Jason throws her skanky clothes to ground and quits his job so he can strap her to his side. Her second miscalculation of the day!
Back at the Davis household, Mel is throwing herself into a tizzy excited about her parents arrival. Aren't you excited Derwin?!
Yeah, I thought so.
Melanie's parents arrive and they have FLIPPED the script so much that Derwin is totally thrown off track. But he settles very nicely into the evening with his in-laws fawning over him and all his moolah. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be as interested in Mel's life. When her dad stands up to do the Derwin dance (have we seen it?) Mel erupts and goes upstairs.
Well that was awkward.
She comes down later to talk to her mom and explain her reason for not pursuing medicine. I believe in my man (tear tear, sniff sniff). Somehow the small phrase "our family" gets misinterpreted by her mom, who thinks Mel is pregnant and spreads the good news to dad and a very confused Derwin.
Don't you dare take this away from me DERwin! Ummmm... we're backing off too!
Now all would be said and done, but you know it's not quite over. Malik is watching his maid bowl promising to bring all her kids from Guatemala when suddenly in walks Tasha. Wait! What is that in her hand?
What's that for?
Aw, hell no!
Run Malik! RUN!
Well, she did say someone was going to get the switch today!
Fun episode. It was great to see Jason stepping up as a dad. No matter what his shortcomings may be, this show of fatherly force is something every girl with a dad in her life appreciates! It is always good to see Derwin interact with Mel's parents, although the desperate-housewife-of-San-Diego thing Mel is doing is such a downer. Bligh.
The last scene was BRILLIANT and summed up my feelings of the episode.
Pass this around! Tell me what you thought of it!
0 Fast Food...
By Gigi on
I remember being super broke in college and wondering what I was going to eat for dinner. With my "just above the poverty line" salary, there were few options and often I would find myself standing in line at the Burger King, crumpled dollar bill in hand, salivating at the prospect of eating one of those fluffy delicious burgers advertised on the big sign outside.
I'd leave with a hot sandwich in hand, pour myself a glass of water, turn on the TV to watch Lord of the Rings (coz I couldn't afford cable) and unwrap my dinner. Each time I'd open the wrap the sight of the sandwich would turn my stomach. The now withered lettuce, pathetically laying against an almost burned patty that could be used as a discus, the smudge of sauce underneath the patty... YUCK.
In spite of all of this, hope beat in my breast every time I thought of going back to Burger King, or McDonalds or Taco Bell. I believed they could deliver what was advertised and every time I was disappointed with the sad sandwich that faced me.
Anyone who has worked in these establishments will laugh in your face when you ask about the ad versus what is placed in the wrapper (maybe that is why they wrap it so tightly, so you'd feel awkward about checking it before you leave the line!!!). Oh well.
Just as a reminder, here is a visual reminder of what is advertised vs what is actually placed in the wrapper! I think we can make better food choices.
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I'd leave with a hot sandwich in hand, pour myself a glass of water, turn on the TV to watch Lord of the Rings (coz I couldn't afford cable) and unwrap my dinner. Each time I'd open the wrap the sight of the sandwich would turn my stomach. The now withered lettuce, pathetically laying against an almost burned patty that could be used as a discus, the smudge of sauce underneath the patty... YUCK.
In spite of all of this, hope beat in my breast every time I thought of going back to Burger King, or McDonalds or Taco Bell. I believed they could deliver what was advertised and every time I was disappointed with the sad sandwich that faced me.
Anyone who has worked in these establishments will laugh in your face when you ask about the ad versus what is placed in the wrapper (maybe that is why they wrap it so tightly, so you'd feel awkward about checking it before you leave the line!!!). Oh well.
Just as a reminder, here is a visual reminder of what is advertised vs what is actually placed in the wrapper! I think we can make better food choices.
0 The Game Recap: Episode 408
By Gigi on Wednesday, 2 March 2011
A Very Special Episode
Welcome back fans! Wooo! What an episode!
We start off at the Mo'Nique show where Malik is being interviewed. He is quite emotional in the beginning, issuing apologies to the popo who tazed him.
He's repentant (for real we hope) and almost in tears (wish he'd kept it there) till Mo'Nique reminds him about Jenna, then suddenly Tom Cruise comes out to play. Poor Cruzie Wuzie, he'll never live down messin' up Oprah's furniture. Mo'Nique handled it beautifully though and told him to GET OFF HER FURNITURE BOY!
I love Mo'Nique!
Love love love love love love (Thanks Miss. Scott)
We're happy for Malik and his beautiful Jenna who I can't seem to get a bad screen shot of! Now that is a model in control of her FACE!
She goes to clean her face and guess who rises up from the grimy depths of hell?
Malik sets her thinking straight and tells her to get out of his VIP section coz he's not going to roll like that anymore. The look on her face is murder, but she slinks back into the darkness leaving shivers crawling up our collective spines. yiiiiiiich!
Meanwhile, the Sunbeams are sorting through fan mail where Tasha fondly remembers Steve the Serial Stabber of San Diego with whom Malik has been communicating for five years!
Jigga wha..? In case anybody forgets, the kid who shot Valentino was an obsessed and deranged man. Look y'all, I know some brothers are in there for some 2 oz. shit but I ain't tryin' to get to know anybody with the title "Serial Stabber".
Melanie is not enjoying this experience and wishes she could return to the days when little boys were sending letters from their grandma's kitchen instead of dealing with naked pictures and unwashed panties in a pile (loved the grannie panties! LOL).
Jazz says, of course as Jazz will, that since they take care of they mens with sex toys and threesomes they don't have to worry about silly underwear. Everything's alright Mel, ain't it?
I give Derwin sex REGULARLY, turned into
I'm a great lover, turned into
I'm a solid lover...
Well, at least Derwin is getting sex regularly. :-/
Feeling insecure about their sex life, Mel decides to have a conversation with her hubby and as he walks into the room he finds a surprise
Mel kicks her out of the room by speaker phone, but not before Derwin does his little "Thanks for the support" plug.
Mel asks him if he is really tempted by the "half naked limber skankazoid." He is but he only loves Mel. So how about we get on Skype and you can show me your boob? Nah. Mel's not in the mood. She sulks off the phone.
Meanwhile Malik is on his way to his room, ready to talk to Jenna and retire for the night with Family Guy coz he loves talking babies! LOL! Now those are lines! Little does he know, he has a surprise in his room too!
The creature from the bog! Parker wants what Parker wants and what she wants right now is Malik no matter what he wants. He tries to tell her to get out, but she screams RAPE and someone comes running!
We're good in here! He passes her money and off she goes! Well, I guess he just has to face what is coming to him! One whole month of unwaxed dot-dot-dot (her words, not mine!).
Poor guy. He feels violated and so do I. I hope they delve deeper into this stuff because in my definition Malik got raped. It doesn't matter if he liked any of it, he was an unwilling participant. Sigh.
Mel, still feeling insecure about the sex life in her marriage, consults with Jazz.
Jazz promises to help Mel find a third party for their threesome and they go out to the club (that looks like the same one Malik and Jenna were at) to do some prime woman huntin'.
"No not her. She's drinking cranberry juice. Not her either, she's way cuter than you!"
Bored a little bit, Jazz goes off on her own to hunt when...
Althea sits beside her. Vrrrroooom vroooom! After a few ackward "can we please have a threesome" questions, the deal is sealed and a threesome is planned.
I felt gloriously awkward and I loved it!
Oh awkward Mel, where have you been? Heavy laden under all that bedazzling? Come back to us!
Malik gets home to find a celebration waiting for him thanks to Jenna. She offers him the balloons filled with helium or "these balloons." Poor guy, pain is written all over his face. Sometimes I wonder why guys don't just come out with it and say what happened to their women. You might find compassion and understanding and a very crafty solution if you play your cards right. But I understand Malik. Sorry bro.
Across the street Mel is trying out her sexy moves.
Yeah, not quite working out Mel.
LOL! I'm sure this is STRETCHING Mel. Unless you're trying to see what kind of support your handrail has. LOL!
Derwin gets home, and probably fearing that they will have a fire he asks what the candles are for.
Tonight I'm Madame Melanie, slave boy (DISmissed!).
Just a note, not pizza guy, not milk man, not security guard, not butler? Slave boy? I think she'd have been better suited for a leather catsuit... yeah yeah, we know Tia is expecting her first child boo hoo, no body doubles?
Now disrobe and wait for me!
Derwin likes! He takes off upstairs while Mel prepares his surprise for him. Althea comes into the room and Mel thinks she's looking hot. Mel has to drink, hopefully to deal with what is about to happen. She directs Althea to begin and Derwin likes!
"Someone has been practicing!"
As Althea inches closer to his lips Mel can't take it anymore and
she asks Althea to leave.
"I couldn't do it!"
"It's cool, call me again if you change your mind and here is a reason why you should change your mind."
I know, we were quite shocked too Mel apparently Derwin is not the only hottie people are lusting for. Maybe you'll get sent a pair of panties too!
Poor Derwin missed that!!!
With her lesbian cherry popped, Mel returns to Derwin trying to duplicate what she saw Althea doing.
"Is it good Derwin?"
"Yeah, but why don't you do that thing you were doing before?"
I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I like awkward non-bedazzled Mel who is as confused as the rest of us about how to do certain things but completely committed to finding out how and allowing ourselves to laugh at our blunders.
Can't wait for next week!!! Is it here yet?!